Morton Salt International
45 Ribaud Ave East
Silver Springs, NY 14550
Internship - March 2012 until Present
Job Responsibilities
- Basic IT desk help
- Test, manipulate, and distribute updates to all plant computers
- Maintain printers, their drivers, documentation, and the server
- Perform machine audits
- Maintain VM development environments for each OS used for testing updating and troubleshooting purposes
- Document known issues and solutions
- Keep logs of all computer related devices
- Create and update SOP documents for IT related items
- Update Symantec antivirus server
- Taxonomy database
- Digital signage via Concerto Signage
- Automation of Windows 7 Deployment
- ZoneMinder surveillance installation
- Automation of network based software upgrade scripts
- Printer monitoring software comparison and recommendation
- Conversion of SAP maintenance strategies, task lists, and plans
- Upgrade Fluke vision software and firmware
Best Buy #433
2345 Marketplace Drive
Henrnietta NY 14623
Part Time Job - September of 2009 until Present
Job Responsibilities
- Set up and maintain electronic displays
- Receive products and put them in their appropriate locations
- Troubleshoot and fix or send back products
- Was named M.V.P. for my department twice
Deelicious Web Design
250 North Main Street
Warsaw, NY 14569
Internship Winter Semester of 2008
Job Responsibilities
- Create codes in HTML, XHTML, PHP, CSS, and JavaScript
- Develop websites
- Make updates to existing sites
- Convert sites built by tables to CSS
- Create, manipulate, and use CMS
- Create databases
- Set up domain names and email accounts
- Transfer websites from different servers
- Published various weblogs on different web topics
- Promoted to Lead Developer